Conditions relatives aux produits Sprout Social

Dernière mise  à jour : 22 janvier 2025

Les présentes Conditions relatives aux produits Sprout Social (« Conditions relatives aux produits ») régissent l'utilisation et l'accès de l'Abonné aux Services d'abonnement de Sprout Social et sont intégrées à l'accord conclu entre les parties en ce qui concerne l'utilisation des Services d'abonnement de Sprout Social (« Accord »). Les termes en majuscules utilisés mais non définis dans les présentes Conditions relatives aux produits ont la signification qui leur est attribuée dans l'Accord. En cas de conflit entre les Conditions relatives aux produits et l'Accord, les premières prévalent et s'appliquent dans la mesure nécessaire pour résoudre ce conflit.

  1. 1. Services d’abonnement de Sprout Social. Dans le cadre des présentes Conditions relatives aux produits, les « Services d’abonnement de Sprout Social » désignent les services d’abonnement exclusifs fournis par Sprout Social, qui comprennent l’utilisation des applications Web, des applications mobiles (le cas échéant), de l’assistance technique et de la Documentation fournies par Sprout Social, correspondant au forfait, aux fonctionnalités et au forfait d’assistance achetés par l’Abonné par le biais d’une Commande de service applicable.

  2. 2. Documentation. En ce qui concerne les Services d’abonnement de Sprout Social, la « Documentation » désigne les documents en ligne relatifs à l’utilisation des services Sprout Social mis à la disposition de l’Abonné à l’adresse suivante :, et qui peuvent être régulièrement mis à jour.

  3. 3. Government Entity Approvals. If Subscriber is a government entity or an entity performing services on behalf of a government entity whose primary function or mission includes conducting surveillance or gathering intelligence, Subscriber may not access X (formerly Twitter) content through the Sprout Social Subscription Services unless otherwise expressly pre-approved by Sprout Social and X. If Subscriber is a government entity or an entity performing services on behalf of a government entity, Sprout Social and X reserve the right to approve each of Subscriber’s (or Subscriber’s Clients’ or Affiliates’) use cases for the Sprout Social Subscription Services, and Subscriber’s failure to obtain such approval may result in suspension and potential termination of the Services pursuant to this section and the Agreement.

  4. 4. Inbox Export and Link Sharing. Should Subscriber choose to export a copy of its inbox or share any public or private links via the Sprout Social Subscription Services, Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that Sprout Social is not responsible for, and shall have no liability related to: (a) the security of the information contained in (i) any exported copy of Subscriber’s Sprout Social inbox or (ii) any public or private link shared through the Sprout Social Subscription Services; or (b) compliance obligations with respect to any applicable law of any federal, state, local, or foreign government or political subdivision thereof, including applicable privacy law, arising from or relating to Sprout Social fulfilling Subscriber’s request to (i) export a copy of Subscriber’s Sprout Social inbox or (ii) share any public or private link through the Sprout Social Subscription Services.

  5. 5. X (formerly Twitter) Custom Profile. If Subscriber uses this feature, by associating a custom profile image and/or name with a specific X profile, Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that: (i) if an individual is depicted, Subscriber has obtained consent from such individual to display their name and/or likeness in the custom profile; (ii) Subscriber will indicate in the field provided for the individual’s name (e.g., through use of the term “bot”), or in the initial message sent to each X user that the individual is not participating in the conversation; and (iii) Subscriber will comply with all X Terms of Service and other applicable acceptable use policy, terms of use, or any similar policy or terms.

  6. 6. OpenAI Features. Should Subscriber choose to use OpenAI-powered generative AI features within the Sprout Social Subscription Services, Subscriber’s use of such features will be subject to the additional terms located at

  7. 7. Mobile Terms. Use of a Mobile Application (defined below) requires a compatible mobile device. Sprout Social does not warrant that the Mobile Applications will be compatible with any mobile device. Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that Sprout Social may from time to time issue upgraded versions of the Mobile Applications and may automatically electronically upgrade the version of the Mobile Applications. Subscriber consents to such automatic upgrading. Standard carrier data charges may apply to use of the Mobile Applications. The additional terms and conditions set forth at shall apply with respect to any Mobile Application that Sprout Social provides for use. “Mobile Application” means each copy of the Sprout Social mobile application, Advocacy mobile application and/or any other mobile application provided by Sprout Social (as upgraded from time to time) downloaded by your users and installed on a mobile device approved by Subscriber for business use.

  8. 8. Addenda relatif au traitement des données. L’Addenda relatif au traitement des données applicable aux Services d’abonnement de Sprout Social est disponible à l’adresse et est incorporé par référence dans l’Accord.