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9 Buyer Persona Templates for B2B, B2C and Beyond

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Buyer persona documents are an essential part of delivering effective marketing, sales and social media strategies. They align teams across your organizations around one shared understanding of your customer, supporting more informed decision-making.

Create a concise, accurate representation of your ideal customer with these free buyer persona templates. The collection includes:

  • A B2C buyer persona template that highlights on buying motivations and frustrations
  • B2B buyer persona templates for functional and executive buyers
  • Industry-specific buyer persona templates for healthcare organizations, nonprofits and more.

Download these templates to gain a deeper understanding of your customers—no matter your business type or industry.

What is a buyer persona template?

A buyer persona template helps businesses create detailed profiles of their ideal customers. It covers key details, including demographic information, challenges and pain points, shopping preferences and key interests. By understanding these characteristics, businesses can develop products and messages that better fit what their customers need and want.

How do you write buyer personas?

The most effective buyer personas are written using a combination of quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative can be surfaced using your CRM, your help desk tool and through social media market research. The qualitative, on the other hand, should come from real conversations with your customers and customer-facing teams.

Together, these sources combine to create a rich understanding of your target customer, their motivations and their challenges.

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