Sprout Social vs. Sprinklr: The best tool for your brand in 2024
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Similar to social networks, there are many social media management platforms to choose from—so it can be difficult to decipher which one is the best for your brand. In this Sprout Social vs. Sprinklr examination, we’ll compare our product to Sprinklr using G2 review data to see what customers have to say*. The comparison data in this article is based on G2 data from 07/22/2024, unless stated otherwise.
We’ll draw from G2, the world’s largest software marketplace for customer reviews, to break down the attributes that mean the most to your brand; like innovation, return on investment and customer care. G2 connects over 80 million people in the industry so they can make better software decisions, fueled by the authenticity of peer reviews.
Use the table of contents on the left to jump to a comparison.
Sprout Social vs. Sprinklr: Overview
To start our Sprout Social vs. Sprinklr comparison, let’s begin with a general overview of who each product is for.
Who is Sprout Social for?
Founded in 2010, Sprout Social is an industry-leading provider of cloud-based social media management software. Businesses of all sizes use Sprout Social, but we thrive in the enterprise space, as illustrated by our historic accolades. Sprout Social has been chosen as a G2 Enterprise Leader every quarter since 2018.
Most recently, Sprout was named #1 Best Software Product in G2’s 2024 Software Awards, which means we earned the number one spot compared across products in every software category, not just social media management.
Sprout also secured over 200 badges from G2’s Summer 2024 Reports. Sprout ranked #1 in 88 reports, including the Grid® Report for Social Customer Service, Social Media Analytics, Social Media Suites, Social Media Listening Tools as well as the Enterprise Results Index for Social Media Management.
Along with our Summer 2024 awards, G2’s 2024 Spring Reports recognized Sprout as a leader in 148 categories, ranking us #1 in 77 reports spanning from small business to mid-market and enterprise and across all regions including EMEA, APAC and the Middle East.
Regardless of size or industry, brands trust and rely on Sprout’s award-winning software to maximize business impact through social media.
Who is Sprinklr for?
Founded in 2010, Sprinklr is a customer experience management tool. Like Sprout, Sprinklr has tools for social media marketing, reporting, analytics and listening.
Sprinklr’s G2 reviews reveal some interesting pain points. For example, Sprinklr’s interface is reportedly too complicated for many users. Many Sprinklr users express how the product has a steep learning curve for new users and a cluttered interface that is hard to navigate without extensive training. They also expressed concerns about a lack of support, particularly when it comes to product knowledge.
Sprout Social vs. Sprinklr: Innovation
Innovation is the first stop on our Sprout Social vs Sprinklr comparison. We all know that social media moves fast. Brands need to be agile, but they also need to be forward-thinking to stay on top of consumer and social trends—this is why innovation in a social media management tool is so important.
But innovation isn’t just about being the first or having the most features. It’s about building and designing a platform in a way customers can truly take advantage of. It’s about meeting them where they are and acting on their feedback. It’s about anticipating their pain points and needs, to provide next-level solutions.
Sprout leads Sprinklr in product direction
Product direction refers to a vendor’s product roadmap, such as their integration plans and cadence for expanding features and functionality. G2 reviewers prefer the direction of Sprout Social over Sprinklr. According to G2, Sprout has an 8.9 rating for positive product direction. Sprinklr received an 8.8.
Sprout Social’s product organization has a mantra of speed with intentionality. We prioritize product launches based on our customers’ needs. That’s why we’ve developed integrations for TikTok, Reels, Threads and more—they’re critical for our customers.
Our customer relationship management (CRM) integrations with Zendesk, HubSpot and Microsoft Dynamics 365 illuminate your social and sales efforts to provide a full view of your funnel. Sprout’s Salesforce Service Cloud integration streamlines Salesforce users’ social media and customer care efforts. Our global partnership with Salesforce means our integrations into their ecosystem, specifically Salesforce Service Cloud, are best-in-class. Our Tableau integration enables you to synthesize Sprout’s robust data with other business intelligence sources in one place, making it easier to illustrate social media’s impact on your bottom line. Sprout’s Tableau BI Connector helps you visualize social data with the exact visuals and metric combinations you need to gain a 360 view of your customers.
Product intentionality also informs our decisions to enhance existing solutions. For example, when we rebranded the product formerly known as Bambu to Employee Advocacy, we integrated the tool more deeply with Sprout so that advocacy and brand social posts could be published all in one place.
Sprout continues to invest in AI
There’s been plenty of buzz about the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution, and Sprout has been using AI to help customers work smarter. Sprout’s 2023 acquisition of Repustate is a testament to our ongoing investments in AI. This partnership enables us to magnify and build upon our in-house AI offerings so that teams can unlock the full potential of social, faster.
We’re enhancing Sprout’s proprietary technology with the launch of AI Assist, a suite of capabilities powered by our integration with OpenAI’s GPT model. AI Assist seamlessly integrates into our Publishing, Engagement and Listening solutions, empowering customers to work with intention and achieve greater impact.
Sprout’s proprietary AI and automation technology is embedded in features like Optimal Send Times, which ensures postings get their maximum visibility and intended result. Our Social Listening solution sifts through millions of data points to deliver insights, trends and key learnings within seconds. Sprout also acquired Tagger to enhance our customers’ ability to drive deeper insights from social and provide them with an all-in-one platform that offers AI-powered features and influencer marketing solutions.
For Generative AI for Social Customer Service Software, Sprout earned a score of 7.6 for text generation and 7.4 for text summarization. Sprinklr doesn’t have a rating for this section. Sprout customers express Sprout’s AI and automation functionality enables them to manage social media in one place.
Sprout continues to invest in social customer service
Social media is a channel for customers to express their concerns, ask for help and advocate for their favorite brands. Social’s dynamic role in customer service means consumer expectations are higher than ever. That’s where Social Customer Care by Sprout Social can help.
Sprout’s Case Management solution enables teams to provide more expedient support. It streamlines handling inbound messages across networks, integrations, geographies and languages so service agents can provide better quality service in less time. With AI and automation built into Sprout’s platform, the load from manual work lightens even more so your teams can focus on nurturing customer relationships.
Sprout earned a ratings score of 8.7 for social customer service software mentions, compared to Sprinklr’s 8.4 score. Sprout also earned an 8.2 for tickets, compared to Sprinklr’s 7.9 score. Sprout earned a score of 9.1 for social channels for social customer service software. Sprinklr received an 8.9.
Sprout Social vs Sprinklr: Ease of use, setup and admin
Next up in our Sprinklr vs Sprout comparison: ease of doing business. But what exactly does that mean? And why is it important? Ease of doing business refers to how easy it is to adopt and start seeing returns from a product. Busy teams deserve to use an intuitive platform that doesn’t require hours of tutorials and research to learn how to use it.
Ease of use
According to G2 reviews, Sprout earned an 8.8 user rating for ease of use compared with Sprinklr’s 8.4.
The reviews of Sprinklr’s user interface tell a different story than Sprout. Sprinklr is regarded as cluttered and difficult to navigate without training, which prevents new users from getting up and running on the platform quickly.
Large teams need a solution that can accommodate both social novices and highly sophisticated users. If a product is laser-focused on supporting experts, you limit the impact social media can have on the organization. And, when new employees join the organization, they should be able to get started with the technology right away. When employees can’t use a product you’ve invested in, you’re leaving money on the table.
Ease of set up
Sprout received an 8.7 for ease of setup while Sprinklr earned 8.0. Sprout has always believed customers should try before they buy. Most importantly, they should be able to try the full product, not a slimmed down version. Enterprise customers can jump right into using our product after the demo, which makes setup swift. Sprinklr’s self-service plan isn’t the full Sprinklr product, which can set the wrong expectations for customers.
Ease of admin
Sprout earned an 8.8 in the ease of admin category. Sprinklr earned an 8.2. In Summer 2024, we were recognized with G2’s “Most Implementable” award.
Enterprise organizations manage multiple social accounts for various business units, brands and/or locations, making centralized management even more essential. Admins should be empowered to adjust permissions, create reporting dashboards and build listening queries without needing support each time.
A common complaint from former Sprinklr customers is that even the simplest management tasks on the platform can be extremely difficult. Sprout customers avoid these headaches with features like custom workflows, making day-to-day social media management easier.
Sprout Social vs Sprinklr: ROI
Marketers want to know if they are getting a return on their investment (ROI), especially in uncertain economic times. They’re willing to take calculated risks that’ll increase their revenue and help their teams scale. And they’d like to prove ROI sooner than later so leaders can better understand their investments.
Sprout Social sets the bar for the fastest ROI
Along with being ranked above Sprinklr in ease of use, ease of setup and ease of admin, Sprout Social leads the way for fastest ROI. Sprout’s user-friendly nature leads to higher adoption, which means companies start seeing value faster.
Sprout customers see their return on investment (ROI) faster than our competitors’ customers. According to G2’s Enterprise Grid® report for Summer 2024, Sprout customers’ payback period after adopting the platform is about 13 months for enterprise users.
Compare that to the two years it takes for Sprinklr’s enterprise customers to see ROI. It’s clear that with Sprout, you and your team see the value from your investment faster.
Sprout’s reporting tools and integrations make measuring ROI easy
Sprout’s reporting tools capture organic and paid metrics, allowing users to scrutinize the ROI of their spend. Users can employ features such as Tagging to organize messages by campaign, business unit or product line to evaluate performance through multiple lenses. For example, the Atlanta Hawks social media team uses Sprout’s Tagging feature to pinpoint what content resonates the most with their target audience. Our proven ROI makes deciding between Sprout Social and other platforms an easy choice.
Sprout Social vs Sprinklr: Customer support
With any software, there can be a learning curve. But when you’re making this kind of investment, spending dollars on a powerful tool isn’t enough—you want assurance that you’re investing in a great partnership. This makes reliable customer support essential when picking a social media management tool.
Sprout Social’s customer support is unrivaled
When comparing the quality of product support, G2 reviewers prefer Sprout over Sprinklr. We earned Best Support in G2’s Summer 2024 awards.
Sprout Social customers are our north star, so we know how important it is to show up for them. We see how fast social media moves, and understand that our customers need quick assistance—not delayed responses and support teams that don’t fully understand the product.
Sprout offers more customer support options than Sprinklr
G2 reviewers rated Sprout Social’s quality of support higher than Sprinklr’s score (8.7 v. 8.4). Sprout Social provides customer support globally via the following channels:
- In-app chat
- 24/5 phone support
- Helpdesk
We also launched the Arboretum, an online community designed for Sprout Social customers and social media professionals to connect with their peers, grow their industry knowledge, establish professional credibility and enhance their personal brands. We cover a lot of bases so we can support Sprout customers where they already are.
Sprout Social is the clear choice if you’re looking for a product with award-winning customer support.
What’s best for your brand, Sprout Social or Sprinklr?
Of course, we say Sprout is the best option, but that’s because we truly believe it. We don’t just provide a platform. We build innovative solutions, deliver fast ROI and offer customer support across several channels because we want to help businesses unlock the full power of social, faster.
Join the thousands of brands using Sprout to grow their business and sign up for a free, 30-day trial.
*The comparison data in this article is based on G2 data from 07/22/2024, unless stated otherwise.
Sprout Social vs Sprinklr: FAQ
Which platform is better: Sprout Social or Sprinklr?
Only you can decide what is the best choice for your business. But we’re confident Sprout delivers more value to brands across the globe and our thousands of satisfied enterprise customers are proof.
Which platform is better for large enterprises, Sprout Social or Sprinklr?
Sprout Social is named the best social media platform for enterprises by G2.
Which platform is best equipped to support large teams?
We believe Sprout Social offers the most robust and cohesive social media solution, built to scale. Our unified code base and turnkey solution means that every customer receives a consistent experience, but enterprise customers can customize to their needs further with add-ons including Social Listening, Employee Advocacy and Premium Analytics.
Does Sprout Social offer a free trial?
Yes, Sprout Social has always believed that customers should try before they buy. You can trial our complete product for 30 days, not just a scaled-down version of the software (which is what Sprinklr offers). And we’re so confident in the value you’ll see in the first 30 days, you won’t need 90 days to feel confident moving forward with Sprout. Sign up for a free trial today.
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