Get Notified of Failed Posts and Easily Repost on iOS & Android

Sprout users can now receive push notifications when any social posts fail, quickly make modifications to their content and repost or reschedule right away from their iOS and Android apps.

  1. HOW TO:
  2. Under “Push Notifications” in Settings, tap Publishing.
  3. Enable Failed Posts.
  4. Tap a Failed Message Notification to open Compose and re-send, schedule, or queue.

Get Confirmation of Successful Scheduled Posts on iOS & Android

Sprout users can now receive push notifications of successful posts for scheduled messages to confirm delivery of important or time-sensitive content on iOS and Android apps.

  1. HOW TO:
  2. Under “Push Notifications” in Settings, tap Publishing.
  3. Enable Successful Scheduled Posts.
  4. Tap a Successful Scheduled Post Notification to see your post and sent message info.