November 9, 2015
Monitor Instagram Hashtags and Locations from Smart Inbox on Mobile
Sprout users can monitor and filter the Smart Inbox by saved Instagram Brand Keywords from their Android or iOS app. This enables users to engage with Instagrammers that are using their brand-specific hashtag or adding a location to their photos while on the go.

Gain Context into Retweets Including Comments from the Smart Inbox on iOS
iOS users can monitor when Twitter users retweet their Tweets and add commentary from the Smart Inbox. Users gain context into what people are saying in response to their Tweets, and can quickly and efficiently respond, task or complete.
Distinguish Incoming Messages from Potential Influencers and VIPs from the Smart Inbox on iOS
Sprout’s influencer indicators now appear in the Smart Inbox from the iOS app. Messages from people with a large following or those included on the custom VIP list will be distinguished by the corresponding color-coded bar under their avatar. Users can quickly and easily pinpoint which messages may be seen by a large number of Twitter users and react from their mobile device.
Twitter ‘Favorite’ Action Changed to ‘Like’
To stay in sync with Twitter’s update to the Like button (previously Favorite), Sprout now supports the new action. This change is reflected across the Smart Inbox, Feeds and profile and contact views.