Emojis Now Supported as Tags

Sprout users can now create tags using emojis. Emoji tags can be applied to incoming messages in the Smart Inbox and outbound messages from Compose. Users with the “Create & edit tags” permission can create an emoji tag just as they would a text-based tag. This can be done from the Tagging Settings screen, Compose or the Smart Inbox.

Create an Emoji Tag from the Tagging Settings Screen

  1. HOW TO:
  2. From the Tagging Settings screen, select Add New Tag.
  3. Add your emoji* tag and select what groups you’d like it to appear for.
  4. Select Save.

Create an Emoji Tag from Compose

  1. HOW TO:
  2. When creating a message in Compose, click the Tag icon.
  3. Enter an emoji* and select Create Tag.
  4. Send or schedule message.

Create an Emoji Tag from the Smart Inbox

  1. HOW TO:
  2. When viewing a message from the Smart Inbox, click the Tag icon.
  3. Enter an emoji* and select Create Tag.

*To open the emoji keyboard on a Mac, select Command ⌘ + Control + Space bar. To open the emoji keyboard on a Windows Touch screen, select the smiley face emoji icon to open the keyboard.

Emoji Tags Included in the Tag Report

Sprout users can analyze emoji tags in the Tag Report using the Stats by Tag section.
