August 18, 2016
Enable Push Notifications for Messages Submitted for Approval on Android
Sprout users in Professional and Advanced plans can enable push notifications when messages are submitted to them for approval.
- From the navigation menu, tap Settings.
- Turn Message Approval Notifications to On.
Sent Messages Metrics Chart Added to Tag Report
Users can now see volume for all tagged sent messages selected on a single chart in the Tag Report, filtered by impressions, engagements and clicks. The Sent Metrics, by Daily Volume chart enables users to understand the volume of engagements by tag. In particular, when using campaign-specific tags, the chart helps visualize which campaigns received the highest engagement over time.

Google+ Messages Added to Tag Report
Users can now analyze Google+ messages to which they’ve applied a tag using the Tag Report. Google+ messages are included in the Tag, by Daily Volume section aggregate, and can be filtered by network.

Most Commonly Used With Section Added to Tag Report CSV
The Most Commonly Used With section of the Tag Report is now available in the CSV export. Users can export the report to further analyze their tagged messages.
Include Retweets in Twitter Keyword Report Keywords
Users can now choose to include or exclude Retweets when creating new keywords for the Twitter Keyword Report. This enables users to better understand how a keyword performed based on the number of times the keyword was Retweeted.
- From the Twitter Keyword Report, go to the keyword picker and select Add Keyword.
- Enter your search term and check Include Retweets.
- Click Save Keyword.

Twitter and Instagram Follower Growth Insight Change
The Audience Growth section of the Twitter and Instagram Profiles Reports have been updated to compare Total Followers. Previously, this insight compared New Followers, and its growth rate. Now, the insight simply compares Total Followers. This change enables users to better benchmark total profile growth rather than monitoring the acceleration of growth.