August 14, 2015
Analyze Audience Engagement with Tweet-Level Insights in the Twitter Profiles Report
Sprout added new metrics to Audience Engagement within the Twitter Profiles Report to give even more insight into how followers are interacting with your content. Measure effectiveness of content with Engagements per Tweet and Impressions per Tweet metrics, and measure how engaged your audience is with Engagements per Impression data.

Group Report Impressions Terminology Changed to Potential Reach
In the Group Report, the impressions terminology is renamed to potential reach to more accurately describe the data listed. Potential reach is referred to as the estimated count of people who possibly could have seen content based on number of followers for each tweeter/retweeter. The data remains the same, however the terminology change now aligns with the Sent Messages Report.

Data Source Change to Dashboard Impressions Metric
On the Sprout Dashboard under Group Report, the data source for impressions has been changed to the Twitter-sourced metric. Impressions now refers to the number of times a user was served your Tweets in their timeline or search results, and provides more accurate insight into how many people saw your Tweet. Previously, impressions in the Dashboard referred to the potential number of people that saw your Tweet.
