August 13, 2015
Send and Receive Longer Twitter Direct Messages With A Greatly Expanded Character Limit
Now you can send and receive much longer messages when communicating via Twitter Direct Messages. The expanded character limit (now 10,000) allows you to engage in much more thorough, private one-to-one communication with people on Twitter.

Expanded Functionality to Send/Receive Twitter Direct Messages to/from Anyone
Sprout now supports a new Twitter setting that allows you to receive Direct Messages from anyone, even if you don’t follow them. In addition, Sprout users can now reply to anyone who sends them a Direct Message, regardless of whether or not that person follows them. This expanded DM functionality is supported everywhere in Sprout that DMs are available.
- Areas of Sprout that support this functionality:
- Receiving and replying to DMs from the Smart Inbox.
- Replying to DMs from Conversation History.
- Switching from “Public Reply” to DM in the reply screen.
- Initiating a DM by clicking the envelope icon in the Contact View screen.

Note: To receive DMs from anyone, users must opt-in to this functionality by enabling “Receive Direct Messages from anyone” from their settings security page on (