View the Approval Activity Feed

  1. HOW TO:
  2. Visit the Publishing Tab and select Needs Approval or Rejected.
  3. Find a message and click the View Approval Activity icon.
  4. Edit your message, add a comment, and approve or reject messages from this feed. This view is visible until the message is approved.
  5. To add a new approver, edit the message and select another team member from the approver icon.
Message Approval Activity Feed

Add Multiple Message Approvers

  1. HOW TO:
  2. Open the Compose window.
  3. Click the approver icon to open the Message Approval menu.
  4. The Message Approval menu will dynamically display only users with Approve permission for all the profiles selected in the picker.
  5. Choose the approvers and the icon will turn blue (maximum 10 approvers).
  6. Compose your message.
  7. Select a message type: Draft, Queue or Scheduled.
  8. If Queue or Scheduled, select a queue priority (first/last) or set one or multiple post times.
  9. Click Submit for Approval.
Add Multiple Approvers