Connect Your Instagram Profile to Sprout

Sprout now integrates with Instagram to allow users to more fully manage their social efforts from Sprout’s platform by bringing messages into the Smart Inbox and allowing for engagement with followers through the application.

  1. How To
  2. From the Gear icon, click Users & Social Profiles under Settings.
  3. Choose the group in which you would like to add a profile and click Connect a New Profile.
  4. Select Instagram and click Connect Instagram.
  5. Log into Instagram to connect your profile then return to Sprout’s web application.
  6. Set user permissions or invite a user to manage Instagram in the Users & Social Profiles section.

Connect Your Instagram Profile to Sprout Social

Engage with Followers and Commenters on Instagram from Sprout

Sprout’s integration with Instagram allows users to respond to comments posted on media from Sprout’s web application. This integration allows users to manage engagement with followers and commenters in an efficient way, while providing the users with context through thumbnail images and comment history.

  1. How To
  2. From the Smart Inbox, choose the message with which you would like to engage.
  3. To view the media for context, click the Instagram icon in the blue message bar.
  4. To respond to the message, click Reply. To task, click Task.

Analyze Instagram Sent Message Data to Determine Effectiveness from Sprout

Sprout’s Sent Messages Report for Instagram pulls data for media posted to Instagram natively. Report data includes comments, likes and engagement, and helps users measure performance of individual posts to adjust their strategy as needed. This integration feature shows the post thumbnail and caption for contextual reference.

  1. How To
  2. Click the Reports tab and select Sent Messages.
  3. From the navigation menu, select Instagram and use the filters to customize the report.
  4. To download the report, click Export CSV.
  5. To view additional details, click on a message to see likes, comments and engagement.