Gain Deeper Insight into Twitter Performance with Enhanced Twitter Report

Sprout’s Twitter Profile Report has been redesigned, renamed and enhanced to track how well you are communicating with your audience. The new Twitter Report includes several new metrics for analyzing profile growth, content performance and engagement. New statistics include actual followers gained, replies and favorites. The report design includes new visualizations for Audience Growth, Posts & Conversations, Audience Engagement and Tweet content.

Gain Deeper Insights with the New Twitter Report by Sprout Social

Understand the Value of a Tweet with New Metrics from the Twitter Report

The Twitter Report gives users access to powerful Tweet-level analytics that help you understand the real impact of a Tweet. New Twitter Engagement data includes impressions, engagements, link clicks, engagements per follower and impressions per follower.

Analyze Multiple Twitter Handles In One Report with New Twitter Report

With Sprout’s new Twitter Report, users can add multiple profiles for analysis. Data and charts account for all profiles attached, and a separate chart breaks out data for each profile included. Sprout users can gain big-picture insight into Twitter content and performance, as well as analyze and benchmark individual efforts by comparing performance. The Twitter Report offers an aesthetically-pleasing interface so you can quickly and easily digest data across profiles.

  1. How To
  2. From the Reports tab, select Twitter Report.
  3. From the profile picker, select as many profiles as you would like to include.
  4. To remove profiles, deselect individual profiles.
  5. If you have 10 or more profiles, use the Find search bar to quickly populate handles.

Export Twitter Report in Spanish and Portuguese

Users with Spanish or Portuguese selected as their language can export the Twitter Report in the respective language.

Analyze Clicks on Tweets Using Twitter Data

The Twitter Report counts the number of times users clicked on URLs in Tweets based on the report date range across current and past Tweets. Previously, Sprout only counted the total clicks on a per-link basis through This change includes clicks not previously accounted for thus giving Sprout users more accurate data regarding clicks.

Track Twitter Impressions from Sent Messages Report

The Twitter Sent Message Report now includes impressions, which is the number of times a user was served your Tweets in their timelines or search results on Twitter. This statistic gives Sprout users true and accurate insight into how many people saw their Tweet.

Note: The Sent Messages Report also includes reach, sometimes substituted for impressions, which is an estimated count of people who possibly could have seen the content based on number of followers for each tweeter/retweeter.

Twitter Brand Keyword Search Results Enhanced

Sprout restructured the Twitter Brand Keyword functionality by making several technical improvements. Brand Keyword syntax also now includes more search operators, which can be used to obtain a more accurate and relevant list of Tweets. New search operators include multiple words, grouping, contains media, follower count and bio contains.

Note: Some search operators have been retired due to this restructuring. These operators include since, until, attitudes and question.

  1. How To
  2. From the Smart Inbox, scroll down to Brand Keywords and select Add Keyword.
  3. Add keyword details into the desired fields and click Save.
  4. To view search operators, examples and descriptions, click Improve Twitter search results with search operators.