View Images within Facebook Private Messages

Sprout users can now view images within Facebook Private Messages in the Smart Inbox and in the Private Message Conversation View. Users can see thumbnail images inline and expanded images by clicking the thumbnail. This feature allows users to stay within Sprout to seamlessly and efficiently respond to messages.

  1. How To
  2. From the Smart Inbox, click on a Facebook Private Message with an image to enter Conversation View.
  3. View the image inline or click on the image to expand.


Note: Facebook frequently expires images for privacy and security purposes. Sprout refreshes images in Conversation View, but older images may not display in the Smart Inbox.

Update to Facebook Permalinks in Private Messages

Sprout updated its permalinks to sync with Facebook’s new permalink structure within Facebook’s Business Manager. The update enables users to view PDF or CSV attachments from Private Messages by redirecting to Facebook. Users must have access to Business Manager and have Admin or Manager permissions for the page to be redirected to Facebook from Sprout.