Updates to Profile Selection When Creating a New Group

Creating groups to organize profiles and team members for your company is even easier with our new layout. Toggle between new and existing profiles, and then select to connect the appropriate Twitter profile or Facebook page to your group.

  1. How To
  2. Click Actions (gear icon) > Users & Social Profiles.
  3. Select Create New Group.

Updated Create New Group

Updates to Send Now for Scheduled Messages

Take advantage of the ability to send a scheduled message right now. Have a message that is scheduled for a future date, but want to send it now? Now you can! Then, decide whether to keep the original scheduled message or to delete it.

  1. How To
  2. Once the message is sent, choose to remove the original message or keep it scheduled.
  3. Under the Publishing tab, go to the Scheduled page.

New in Android

  • New long-press shortcuts for frequently used actions (reply, tasks, archive, email) in your Smart Inbox, Feeds, and Sent Messages.
  • Updated wording for empty conversation states in Reply.
  • Fixed a bug that made special characters show up as HTML (i.e., & or <) in Feeds and message details.
  • Fixed a bug that was creating issues with paging on your LinkedIn feeds.

New in iOS

  • New network picker—an easier way to follow new people from any of your networks.
  • Fixed a bug that was creating streaming issues for video links.
  • And fixed more small bugs to enhance your overall experience.