Analyze Page-Level Data with the LinkedIn Company Pages Report

Sprout’s new LinkedIn Company Pages Report includes page-level data from Company Pages, including audience growth, publishing behavior, audience behavior and demographics. Users can benchmark performance, including sponsored (paid) follower growth, of their social efforts.

  1. HOW-TO:
  2. Go to Reports.
  3. From Reports Home or the sidebar, select the LinkedIn Company Pages Report.


Compare Multiple Pages with the LinkedIn Company Pages Report

With Sprout’s new LinkedIn Company Pages Report, users can add multiple Pages for analysis. Data and charts account for all Pages attached, and a separate chart breaks out data for each Page included. Sprout users can gain big-picture insight into page-level efforts, as well as analyze and benchmark individual efforts by comparing performance.

  1. HOW-TO:
  2. From the Reports tab, select LinkedIn Company Pages Report.
  3. Use the profile picker to select as many Pages as you would like to include.
  4. To remove Pages, deselect individual Pages.
  5. If you have 10 or more Pages, use the Find search bar to quickly populate handles.
  6. Select a date range to run the report.

Facebook Video Metrics Added to Sent Messages Report CSV

Facebook video metrics are now available in the Sent Messages Report CSV for further analysis.

Tag Report CSV Includes Number of Times Used

The Tag Report CSV now includes the number of times a tag was used for each associated tag. This enables users to further analyze overall volume of each specific tag.

Additional Message Type Information Added to Facebook Sent Messages Report CSV

The Facebook Sent Messages Report CSV now includes content type of each post under the Message Type column. Content types include link, video and photo. This enables users to further analyze the types of content they are posting.