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Refine your craft, define your career

Join the team that’s building the world’s leading social media management platform for businesses. Diversify your skill set and solve hard problems with the smartest people in the industry.

A female-identifying engineer mapping out a microservice architecture diagram on a white board.

Get the best of both worlds

The scale of the problems we solve is well beyond our company stage, which means there’s plenty of challenges to solve for across our products, or up/down our stack. We get to work on a “tech-giant” scale with smaller, supportive teams, where every engineer has the chance to make an impact on our company, and our customers.

Two engineers problem-solving with sticky notes on a conference room wallTwo engineers problem-solving with sticky notes on a conference room wall

Move smart and break less

We employ a myriad of tactics like canary deploys, parallel code paths, beta rollouts and more to make sure we’re building sustainable software and processes that don’t break things—or teams. This means emergencies are exceptions—not the expectation—and we’re able to bounce back quickly with new learnings for next time.

Over the shoulder of an engineer writing code for our platform.Over the shoulder of an engineer writing code for our platform.

Own your growth

Because our product is a suite, we have an extensive tech stack. In our industry, you often have to switch jobs or even companies to learn a new part of a tech stack or business. But at Sprout, you just need to move teams. You’re able to diversify your skills, which not only benefits your team—but also your career.

A male-identifying engineer smiles in his home office while working on his laptop.A male-identifying engineer smiles in his home office while working on his laptop.

Why engineers choose Sprout

Dedication to craft and customer

We never sacrifice quality for speed—we want to build elegant products that are a joy to use. So we celebrate the craft of software development and go the extra mile for our customers to refine our products. That last 20% of polish often unlocks 80% of the value.

Competitive compensation

We ensure our pay and benefits are competitive in the market, and also offer ways to optimize those earnings and investments like company equity, annual role and performance-based equity bonuses and a generous 401k contribution match.


Our method of working within and across teams is about combining our collective strengths and learning from each other. We seek input from every team member on our approach, solutions and designs. We don’t have architects designing from on high—engineers of all levels can lead the design of new systems.


Given business objectives, product roadmaps, technical initiatives and resolving customer issues, our teams get to prioritize what they work on—something you don’t see very often. No matter your level, your voice is heard. Bringing your ideas to life is often a question of when and how, not if.

World-class product

A big part of our success is due to our iterative approach. We scale our solutions for customers of all sizes, building and delivering software that solves for their unique needs rather than just checking boxes in the sales cycle.

Remote flexibility

Building a world-class product will inevitably require hard work, dedication and execution. Sprout offers the autonomy and flexibility to direct your energy and focus to the most important projects—and to work wherever you feel most comfortable and productive.

Teams within Engineering

Our key partners (and low-key favorites)

Product Management & Product Design

Solving customers’ problems to help them be successful

Our cross functional, autonomous software teams are comprised of people from Engineering, Product Management and Product Design. Together, we consider how to best solve our customers' problems and build software to help them be successful. We iterate as we build using actual customer feedback. Each team is nimble and able to prioritize their work to deliver what's most important and impactful.

Data Science & Analytics

Surfacing data to make better-informed business decisions

Our engineers work closely with our Data Science and Analytics teams to help surface data to make better-informed business decisions. Together, we build models to power some of our most sophisticated product features—ultimately bringing the power of data-informed machine learning directly into the hands of our customers.

Information Technology

Managing compliance standards and the tech behind our onboarding experiences

Our corporate IT teams partner with the Engineering department to monitor and address security and compliance concerns, and to maintain integrations with the business systems that automate our sales and customer onboarding experiences. IT also maintains the hardware and software to keep employees working as efficiently as possible.

Join the Engineering team at Sprout

With collaborative cross-functional teams that span mobile, front-end, back-end, QA and site reliability engineering— Sprout is a place for you to own and grow your skill set. Check out our open roles to find the best opportunity for you.

Four engineers smiling on a Zoom call.

Join the Engineering team at Sprout

With collaborative cross-functional teams that span mobile, front-end, back-end, QA and site reliability engineering— Sprout is a place for you to own and grow your skill set. Check out our open roles to find the best opportunity for you.

Easily one of the best places I've ever worked

"Sprout's culture is one of its greatest assets – the focus on essentialism and only building what is strictly necessary for success is one of the reasons that it stays so agile at such a decent scale. Engineering practices are disciplined and as objective as possible, technical debt is obviously present but kept thoughtfully to a minimum, on-call demand is very light comparatively, and contributions are recognized quickly and meaningfully."

Director of Engineering in Chicago, IL

Lessons learned as an entry-level software engineer

Hear directly from a member of Team Sprout, as he explains his path from computer science student to full-time software engineer.

Vulnerability in the workplace: A career differentiator for women in software engineering

Working in an environment that allows you to be your authentic, vulnerable self is critical, especially for women in software engineering.

Engineering at Sprout: Building an Android month picker

Here's how our mobile engineering team built an Android month picker to allow Sprout customers to scope a date range for an analytics report.